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Haryana Police Constable recruitment || हरियाणा पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती 2020


हरियाणा पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती  2020  न्यूज़ अपडेट 

09-Jan-2021: हरियाणा कांस्टेबल भर्ती 2020 

Total Post:7298

Cat. No. 1 5500 Posts of Male Constable (General Duty).
(Gen=1980, SC=990, BCA=770, BCB=440, EWS=550, ESM-GEN=385, ESM-SC=110, ESM-BCA=110, ESM-BCB=165)
Cat. No. 2 1100 Posts of Female Constable (General Duty).
(Gen=396, SC=198, BCA=154, BCB=88, EWS=110, ESM-GEN=77, ESM-SC=22, ESM-BCA=22, ESM-BCB=33)
Cat.No. 3 698 Posts of Female Constable for HAP-DURGA-1.
(Gen=252, SC=125, BCA=97, BCB=56, EWS=70, ESM-GEN=49, ESM-SC=14, ESM-BCA=14, ESM-BCB=21)

Important Date

Date of publication:30-12-2020
Opening date for submission of online applications: 11-01-2021
Closing date for submission of online application: 10-02-2021
Closing date for deposit of fee: 13-02-2021
Click here to Apply Online : link working only from  11-01-2021 to 10-02-2021 till

Qualification for Categories 1, 2 & 3 above:-

i) The candidate must have passed 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized education Board/Institution for all the categories.
ii) Matric with Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subject or higher education;
ii) Physical Measurement

Age: 18-25 years (On the first day of the month in which the applications are invited for recruitment of Constable i.e on 01-12-2020).

Pay Scale: Rs.21700-69100 - Level-3, Cell-I.

Criteria for Selection, Examination & Syllabus.

Knowledge Test (80% weightage):-

The detailed procedure of Knowledge Test shall be as follows:
(a) All candidates shall have to undergo a Knowledge Test of eighty (80) marks comprising of objective type, multiple choice questions.
(b) The Knowledge Test shall be of the objective type having hundred (100) multiple choice questions of 0.80 marks each and test shall be of ninety (90) minutes duration. While each correct answer will gate 0.8 marks, there will be no negative marking for wrong answers. It shall be held simultaneously for all candidates. The medium of examination shall be Hindi except where the knowledge of English language of the candidates is to be tested. The medium of examination shall be bilingual i.e. both in Hindi as well as in English.
(c) The test paper shall include questions on General studies, General Science, Current affairs, General Reasoning, Mental Aptitude, Numerical ability, Agriculture, Animal husbandry, other relevant fields/trades etc. There shall be at least (10) questions relating to basic knowledge of computer. The standard of questions shall be as expected of an educated person having passed 10+2 examination of Board of School Education Haryana for the post of Constable.

Physical Screening Test (PST):-

(a) Candidates, equalling seven (07) times the number of vacancies in each category shall be declared to have qualified the Knowledge Test (KT).
(b) The candidates who have qualified in Knowledge Test shall be put to a Physical Screening Test, which would be only qualifying in nature, to judge their physical fitness and endurance.


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